Friday, 25 May 2012

London Calling Comes to Crafts Beautiful...

Sometimes in this business, you have to sit on crafty secrets so think you might burst but today, I can finally reveal my latest adventure to everyone ~ and here it is...
As you know, I'm very privileged to be part of the Clarity Stamp Design Team and I was so honoured when Barbara asked me if I would like to create a piece of artwork, together with herself and my fellow team mate, Diane Whitehouse and then, have it featured in Crafts Beautiful magazine. Well, of course...when the call came, I didn't hesitate and my reply was a big resounding...YES and today, I got my little hands on a copy and I'm so excited...I just needed to share!!!

Okey dokey, time for me to celebrate with a cocktail or two... :)
Thank you for all the lovely comments you left on the last post...they mean the world!!
Have a lovely weekend and hope the sun shines where you are!!
See you soon...
Love Emma xxx


  1. Woohoo, go Emma, go Emma!

    I'm not surprised she asked you, you're clarity cards are just the bees knees! Assuming bees knees are very cool!

    Liz x

  2. Woohoo! Well done you! About time you got recognition for your talent. xxxxx

  3. Gorgeous designs, well done on getting the recognition you deserve. x

  4. You have earned the right to puff out your chest, wave a flag, bunting the garden and shout out loud! Well done, Emma. Your work continues to be exquisite.

  5. Congrats, your projects are beautiful.

  6. I got my hands on this today too, I was like oohhing and ahhing and much hand clapping when I saw your work! Zo xx

  7. Woohoo!! Well done you, but I'm not surprised!! All going to plan - more to come!

  8. ...oh my!...well done Emma thats just fabby news & another string to your impressive bow...Mel :)

  9. Wow! You should be soooooo proud of yourself! How fantastic! Congrats.
    Carol xxx

  10. Fantastic news Emma, wonderful work and so well deserved. I don't know how you fit it all in. Enjoy your weekend. Tracy x

  11. A BIG Congrats to you Emma, but nothing you don't deserve.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  12. Fabulous news - all that hard work pays off in the end.
    Off to break open a bottle to toast your success.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Congrats Emma - cant wait to get a copy!

  14. Oh Emma, congrats!! I'll be off to get a copy as soon as I can. Love your project, particularly the way the London images peep through the O, looks so cool!!

  15. Well done you Emma, I bet that put a smile on your face for the day.
    It must be a great feeling to see your work published like that.

    Claire x


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx

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