Sunday, 14 August 2011

Prancer And His Sleigh...

So, did you guess which Clarity card I was saving until last? hehe...I hope it was worth the wait.

This was another of those cards that was so hard to let go of...when I started working on this little creation, it was one of those projects that everything just worked and, first time. Sometimes, I'll admit I have more than one attempt to get them to look the 110% perfect that I like but nope, not this one. The moon, the positioning, the Distress Ink background and the embossed stars all went to plan and even if I do say so myself ~ I loved it!!

I'm off to cook a Sunday roast now but I must admit...I'm absolutely shattered. I've spent all day writing my magazine instructions for all my projects that will be in Making Cards, started work on some gorgeous QVC products and the list of things to do is definitely not getting shorter. In fact...someone tell me to breathe because I'm definitely starting to panic!!! lol So much to do and only one pair of hands!!!

Hope you have a wonderful evening everyone and I'll see you sometime during the week to let you know if I'm still panicking!!!

See you soon and as always, thanks for stopping by to take a look at my little creations and for taking the time to comment. I appreciate them all...
Love Emma


  1. Gorgeous, yep, totally gorgeous!

    You panic? For some reason I always get the impression you are super organised so I have a feeling you will get it all done on time!

    Liz x

  2. Breathe! LOL! The list never gets shorter but you will get it all done LOL! Lovely card, I love the stars! Have a fab week! Kimx

  3. Another stunning card. I am sure everything will get done on time. xx

  4. Fabulous card. can see why you would be reluctant to hand this one over.

    Okay now breathe, nice and slowly in through the nose, out through the mouth - lol. As Kim has already said the list never gets shorter because we keep adding to them but things do get done.

    Everything is upside down in our house at the moment because foolishly I decided to use some holiday from work to decorate the stairs and landings (we live in a three storey house so two flights of stairs - ugh)BUT with children around this is escalating into "my bedroom needs this, or that etc. etc." I've got another week off work yet but think I'll be glad to go back for a rest.

  5. I knew it was this one!! Fabulous!! I sat down to write the instructions for my latest QC jobs at 4pm only to find my Microsoft Office has completely died and I can't even open it - major panic!!!Have been trying to repair it until now! I've had to download a free trial of Office 2010 until I can sort it out.

  6. Fabulous, stunning card. Gorgeous background and iages, beautifully put together. Tracy x

  7. Hi Emma
    A Stunning card it ...Very Classy Emma
    hugs sylvie

  8. Gorgeous, - saw this on the show, looked fabulous!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I love your blog because every other day it's Halloween or Christmas... and you of all people know how much I love that time of year. ;)))

  11. Wow what a stunner! and a fabulous background.

    Love Lynda xxx

  12. Another stunner Emma.
    Know what you mean - I'm in panic mode too this week, so not the best one to give advice.
    We'll get there in the end :)xx

  13. Hi Emma

    A fantastic card and of course you can say that yourself - in fact shout it from the rooftops!! Hope you enjoyed the roastie and good luck with your upcoming work load -you are a busy lady!



  14. this was DEFINITELY worth the wait! :-o

    I'm a sucker for photography, art...when done well, it can be amazing! like this card! love the backlight feel to the whole that sledge and I really like that reindeer! :)

    brilliant card...gets me excited for Christmas! ;p


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx

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