Sunday, 4 July 2010

Craftwork Cards Sketch Challenge 3

Sorry I'm a bit late with letting everyone know about this but please don't forget that Craftwork Cards are still running the Wags Sketch Challenge over on their blog. So, if you want to join in with the fun...this week's sketch is as follows and you have until Friday, 9th July to get your entries to them. The winner will be announced on Monday, 12th July. Good luck!!
And here's my card for the challenge....I hope my photos do justice to these fabulous papers. The pearlescent finish and the embossed card, as always are beautiful and you can always expect great quality products from Craftwork Cards.

Everything that I've used to make this card, is from the beautiful Sugared Almonds range and available to order from Craftwork Cards!

1 comment:

  1. oooo, GORGEOUS!!! And really shows your ability to do SO MUCH with SO LITTLE...just two beautiful soft colours! but what you're able to do with them...from the backing paper to the flowers and butterfly, and of course the wispy the perfect little summertime birthday card!

    Simple....clean....BEAUTIFUL! :D <333


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx

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