Wednesday 13 May 2015

Take Flight...

Hello everyone!

I'm popping by today to share a card that I had published in the May issue of Making Cards Magazine! The regular readers of the magazine will know that every month I create a Designs With A Difference card project and when I started thinking about the May project, I thought it would be wonderful to create a card showcasing the gorgeous butterfly stamp from Tim Holtz's Perspective stamp set.

So with this in mind, I created this fancy fold card and as always, I hope you love it!
As you can see, the card itself can be displayed in two ways and to be honest, I love both ~ it's really hard to choose from and below, I've included lots of close up details of the card.
For more details of how this card is made and for full instructions and a template, then back issues of the magazine are available HERE!

Don't you just love that butterfly stamp? I stamped this onto watercolour card and used Distress Marker Pens to colour the image ~ blending a combination of blues, greens and browns.

All products used on this card are by Tim Holtz including the gorgeous backing papers that are from the Wallflower Paper stash.
Thanks for stopping by today and hope you love what I've shared!
See you soon and if the sun is shining where you are ~ enjoy!
Love Emma xxx


  1. LOVE this card ... would you share the fold secrets?

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment Linda, I really do appreciate your visit! :)

      I've had quite a few people ask about this card, so if you watch this space over the next few days, then I will be posting all the measurements for you, here on my blog!

      Hope you have a lovely day...

  2. Absolutely fabulous dahlink! So many folds so little time, your card is beautiful and inspiring :-) xxx

  3. Just lovely! The fancy fold card is amazing. You made the butterfly come to life and made a perfect spot for it to land. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Gorgeous! My fave butterfly showcased perfectly in your very talented hands Emma ! The fancy fold card is fab (never seen one before but an instant fan ) n I love how the card can be displayed in two different ways - think the 'laid flat' one ( 2nd pic) wins it for me - seems to highlight the butterfly just that little bit more .

  5. what an amazing card! and your colouring of tha tbutterfly is awesome. i have just got myself that stamp so might take inspiration, hugs xx

  6. Wow what a wonderful creation, you really are a talented lady, I really enjoy your blog!!


  7. Wow Emma, I am totally flabbergasted! This is amazing! I've never seen a card that folds like this, and your butterfly is spectacular! Love it, what a stunning creation! :)

  8. OMG! The colours of the butterfly are amazing!

  9. Wonderful card, so lovely.


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx