Tuesday 26 May 2015

Collect Beautiful Moments ~ 12 Tags of 2015 ~ May

Hey everyone!

Can anyone tell me where this month went? It's just flown hasn't it?!?!

Well, even though the month has disappeared in a blink of an eye, I've managed to work on my version of Tim Holtz's May tag in his 12 Tags of 2015! When I first saw this tag, I just fell totally and utterly in love with it ~ it was beautiful and it showcased so many different techniques! I just had to join in with this one ~ it would have been rude not to!!

So without further ado, here is my tag for May and as always I hope you love it!
You can visit Tim's blog HERE for all the information about the techniques that created this tag and I have used them all on my version!
I added some wire behind the beautiful photo booth image and a few more of the Tiny Tattered Florals to my tag and because I wanted to do a slight twist on the original version, I added a Frameworks die cut as a base.
Below are all the details and some close up details of my tag!

Thank you so much for stopping by today ~ I really appreciate all your visits!
See you soon and bye for now ~ love Emma xx


  1. Absolutely stunning


  2. it is beautiful Emma. and this month has zoomed really. in fact i haven't even had time to attempt this tag at all :( xx

  3. Lovely Emma. I love the addition of the frameworks die and the wire adds a really nice twist. I'm with you, this month has simply disappeared. :)

  4. Love your interpretation of Tim's tag Emma, really like the addition of the wire behind your photobooth picture!

  5. This is great, I love the tag.xx


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx