Monday 22 December 2014

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...

Hi everyone...

Well, here we are in the final week before the big day? Have you managed to get everything done or are you like me with so many things still left to do? One thing that I do know is that this Christmas is going to be the best yet and I'm so looking forward to a few days off and celebrating with friends and loved ones!

But back to today's blog post and if you have a few last minute presents still to wrap and want to make them stand out under the tree, then I hope you'll pop over to the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog where I'm sharing my tutorial showing how to create a beautiful topper to accompany handmade gift wrap.
Hope you'll pop over to the SSS blog and enjoy reading my tutorial!

Thank you for all your visits today ~ love Emma xxx


  1. Fabulous tutorial Dahlink, you made this look really easy but i know how hard it can be to get such perfect flowers (i will try harder lol)!

    Your presents must look amazing, thanks for all the hard work you put into your tutorials.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS mwah mwah mwah!!! :-) xxx

  2. i've still got lots of pressies to wrap but none will look like this. brill. have a very well earned happy christmas and some rest too. here's to an even better 2015 xx

  3. HOW GORGEOUS! I HAD TO come by & SEE what you've done! JUST GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! :D

  4. Stunning package! You would never open it!!! Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx