Friday 15 August 2014

My Second Guest Designer Post for Sam Poole ~ Robin Redbreast

Hello everyone...

If you popped by last Friday, you would've seen my first post as a guest designer for my very lovely and extremely talented friend, Sam Poole and I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who commented either here or over on Sam's blog! I had so much fun creating these cards for Sam and today, I am sharing the second of my projects, again using her gorgeous Woodland Christmas stamps and below is a sneaky peek of what you'll find if you head on over to Sam's blog by clicking, HERE!
So, I really hope you'll love what I've created and I can't wait to read your comments!
Thank you so much for stopping by today and I'll see you very soon!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Bye for Emma xxx


  1. Love Robins....the Robin was the first bird to sing on Christmas morning, Hence his association with Christmas ...not only that there is a story that he cam to pay tribute to Christ on the cross and three drops of Christ blood fell onto him giving him his as I say one of my favourite birds.....Love this card off to search at Sam Pools shop so see if I can find it. XXXX

  2. The little robin looks fantastic layered up like that and the little footprints are a lovely finishing touch on your beautiful card. Anne x

  3. I just love this stunning card, it makes me want to start my Christmas cards now! x x

  4. amazing what you can make with a stamp. your interpretations never fail to surprise me xx

  5. Love Robins for Christmas, great stamp designs easy to cut.out too xx xx very pretty card .

  6. Beautiful as ever


Thank you for all your comments and messages, they are all appreciated and I hope you'll come back and visit again soon...
Emma ~xx